You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.4. Placing an Order > 12.4.2. Placing an Order in Grid View

Placing an Order in Grid View

To place an order in Grid View in Micronet ECOM:

  1. Select a category from the left hand panel, and a subcategory if required.

Micronet displays the items in that category at the right of the screen with a shopping cart icon displayed below each item. Each cell in the grid displays the item image, the item number and description and the sell price for the item.

  1. If required, click on an item (not the item image) to display the item details panel at the right of the screen, providing more information about the item such as available stock, unit pricing, tile quantities and warehouse quantities.


Technical Tip

The information displayed depends on how your item details panel is configured – see "Item Details Panel", "Unit Pricing Item Panel", "Tile Company Item Panel" and "Multi Warehouse Item Panel".

Available stock is only displayed if this feature is enabled.

  1. Enter the quantity of the item you want to order in the quantity field below the item or in the quantity field on the item details panel.

You can click the up arrow to increase the quantity and the down arrow to decrease the quantity, and you can also use the up and down arrows on the keyboard.


Technical Tip

If your item details panel is configured for:

  • tile companies, you can enter the quantity in pallets, boxes or individual pieces. When you enter a quantity, Micronet automatically calculates and displays the number of square metres required.
  • multiple warehouses, you can enter the quantity against one or more warehouses.
  1. Press the Enter key or select the shopping cart button to confirm the quantity.

Micronet displays a message that the item has been added to your order.

If your site has been configured so that items must be ordered in reorder quantities, Micronet displays a message that the order quantity has been adjusted. The order quantity is always rounded up and the message tells you which items have been adjusted.

  1. Repeat these steps to purchase other items from the same category.

As you add items to your shopping cart, Micronet recalculates your Order Total which is displayed at the top of the screen. It also displays the number of items added above the shopping cart icon.

  1. To purchase items from another category, select the category in the left hand panel and repeat these steps.
  2. If an item displays "POA" for the price, refer to "Price on Application Items" for more information.
  3. To search for a specific item by item number or description, refer to "Searching for Items".
  4. Optionally, you can:
  1. To remove an item from your order, simply zero the quantity you entered in the quantity field below the item and select the shopping cart button on that item.

Alternatively, you can select the View Cart button at the top of the screen to display all the items added to your shopping cart, then select the trash can icon on the line you want to remove.

Micronet removes the line from your order and recalculates the order total.


Technical Tip

Select the View Cart button again to clear the cart panel.

  1. To review and complete your order, refer to "Checkout".


Technical Tip

Micronet saves all your orders, whether or not you proceed to the checkout. If you leave the order screen, you can retrieve an order, including incomplete orders, by referring to "View Orders".